ClickCease is putting a lot of effort into improving the different reports our customers can generate.
Our dashboard for Paid Marketing reflects which IPs were blocked and added to your Google ads exclusion list. This is done based on the different capabilities of the varied campaign types.
In order to apply automatic IP blocking to your account, ClickCease must have access to your Google Ads account and the campaign type has to support IP blocking. To block a fraudulent IP from affecting your Google Ads campaigns, we send a request to Google via our certified API to include the fraudulent IP in your account's IP Exclusion List. In order for that to happen, two conditions are required:
The campaign needs to redirect the clicker to a landing page, so the IP used by it will be detected.
The campaign needs to have an exclusion list.
Those common campaigns are:
Search Campaigns
GDN (Google Display Network)
Shopping Ads (not Smart Shopping)
For the rest of the campaigns that do not have an IP Exclusion list, ClickCease will continue to detect fraudulent IPs so you can always know your fraud level and risk but also actively block them across supported campaign objectives, to reduce your click fraud significantly. This means that even though these campaigns don’t have an IP exclusion list, ClickCease will still add those fraudulent IPs to the other campaign’s exclusion list. These campaigns' detected clicks/visits are not counted towards your ClickCease usage plan, but are still rigorously monitored (and blocked where possible) to enable you to see the relevant data and use it across your other campaigns.
For example:
When using Smart shopping campaigns, ClickCease is able to detect all of the fraud but then block those IP addresses from ever clicking on your Remarketing Display campaigns.
The following chart includes the types of campaigns that do not answer one or both of the required conditions mentioned above.
Do not have an Exclusion List |
Do not redirect to a landing page |
App Campaigns / App Installs |
App Campaigns / App Installs |
Discovery Campaigns |
Call-only Ads and Call Extensions |
Smart / Smart Shopping Campaigns |
YouTube Video Campaigns |
Performance Max Campaigns |
Local Services Campaigns |
Note: Google is performing their own transitions and changes when it comes to campaign types and its capabilities. We recommend that you get updated with Google's different announcements.
If you have any questions about this process, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 chat support.