Using ClickCease will require to put ClickCease Tracking Template on your Google Ads account level. However, what if you've already got some parameters there already?
Many other services also take advantage of the tracking template ability to send custom or Google Ads parameters to be added to the final URL. ClickCease allows you to enjoy both worlds. If you add all your custom parameters to the end of the ClickCease tracking template, our system will add these parameters automatically to the final URL.
To pass Google ads related parameters, the best way will be to put those on your final URL. This can be done by placing them all in the "Final URL suffix" field, right beneath the tracking template field. This is Google ads best practice for passing the parameters to the final URL.

For example, if your current tracking template is {lpurl}?p1=abc&p2=123
Do not copy the template in this article. Only use this guide as an example. The correct template is found within your ClickCease dashboard.
The combined tracking template will look like this:{keyword}&nw={network}&url={lpurl}&cpn={campaignid}&device={device}&pl={placement}&p1=abc&p2=123
We have actually made 3 changes to the original template: {lpurl}?p1=abc&p2=123
1. We dropped the {lpurl} from the original template so we get this: ?p1=abc&p2=123
2. We replaced the "?" with a "&" in the original template so we get this: &p1=abc&p2=123
3. We added the outcome of actions 1 and 2 to the end of the ClickCease tracking template so we get this:
The final URL will be
For more information please refer to Google's Create and edit URLs and parameters:
Add URL parameters to a Final URL Suffix in Google Ads accounts
If you have any questions about this process, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 chat support.